What We Do
The Uniform Law Conference of Canada had its first meeting in 1918 and provides independent and informed analysis and recommendations for the harmonization and reform of laws in Canada. It is the oldest law reform body in the country and plays a key role in developing uniform legislation in civil and commercial matters and in proposing changes to the criminal law.
The ULCC holds a multi-day meeting each August, but its committees and working groups work throughout the year to review, analyze and develop recommendations that are aimed at making the civil and criminal law more fair, clear, modern and effective. The ULCC operates in two sections: the Criminal Section and the Civil Section, and through the work of these sections it provides expert and non-partisan analysis for the consideration and use of Canadian provincial, territorial and federal governments.
The Criminal Section is comprised of jurisdictional delegations of prosecutors, defence lawyers, criminal law policy experts, judges, and academics who study, discuss and debate evolving criminal law issues. As the criminal justice system in Canada is a matter of shared constitutional responsibility between the federal, provincial and territorial governments, the Criminal Section provides a unique opportunity for the identification of legal and operational issues and the ability to make recommendations for legislative reform in the area of criminal law.
The Civil Section assembles government lawyers, private lawyers and law reformers to consider areas in which provincial and territorial laws would benefit from harmonization. At its annual conference, the main work of the Civil Section is reflected in its review and debate of proposed "uniform statutes", which if adopted are recommended for enactment by all relevant governments in Canada. The enactment of uniform laws recognizes the very mobile nature of the Canadian population and seeks to ensure that, where uniformity is desirable between provinces and territories, people will be able to rely on the law being the same wherever they may be.
The ULCC also provides a joint forum for matters of mixed civil and criminal law. Joint projects are developed, researched and recommended for adoption in a manner similar to that used for Civil Section matters.